January 12, 2012
R. Ferguson, TCC
S. Mentzer, TCC
J. Kempton, TCC
J. Zingarelli, Town of Holden DPW
J. Woodsmall, Town of Holden DPW
John Boyce, Oriol Health Care
- December 8, 2011 record of meeting approved 3-0
- Stop Sign request on Princeton Street at Quinapoxet Street and Mt. Pleasant Ave.
TCC discussed the background of this issue with new DPW Director John Woodsmall. Since TCC felt that reversing the stop signs was not a viable option, TCC made the recommendation of a 4-way stop to improve safety. TCC also recommended warning signs and public service announcements. DPW will speak with police and fire regarding the change and ultimately bring it to the Selectmen for approval. TCC will provide the turning movement counts to DPW Director Woodsmall.
- Sight line restriction at Red Barn Road and Chapel Street
No update on this issue
- Route 122A and Route 31 Intersection
DPW reports that the missing signal indication has been reinstalled and that MassDOT is reviewing the current timing of the pedestrian phases. More data may be required to substantiate TCC’s recommendation to prohibit turning right on red from Reservoir onto Main.
- Proposed Medical Office Building – Boyden Road
John Boyce of Oriol Health Care provided an overview of the proposed expansion project to the facility on Boyden Road. The 36,000 square foot expansion will include a medical service center as well as providing assisted and independent living units. TCC received a copy of the Traffic Impact and Access Study (TIAS) prepared by Ron Muller and associates at the December meeting. After some discussion relative to the potential traffic impacts to the Boyden Road/ Main Street intersection, TCC agreed that the positive impacts of the expansion upon the community outweigh the negative impacts upon traffic. TCC voted 3-0 to provide no objections to the conclusions drawn by the TIAS and to recommend the annual monitoring of the traffic flow at the eastern intersection of Boyden Road and Main Street.
- Next meeting: February 9, 2012 at 7:00 pm.
- Other
- TCC agreed to take another look at prioritizing new sidewalk installations as they had in the 2002 report.
- TCC also discussed the feasibility of adding a right turn lane on Main Street at Wachussett Regional High School so through traffic can continue to flow.
- Adjournment: TCC adjourned at 8:50 pm.